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Category Archives: save on energy costs

Tips on How to Save Energy This Summer

Posted 8 years ago

With the temperatures continuing to rise, many homeowners are looking for alternatives that will help them stay cool without actually causing their electricity bill to skyrocket.  Winston-Salem Journal shares with you some energy-saving tips for the warm weather.

  • Maintain your AC if it is 10 years old or less but consider replacing if it is more than 10 years old.
  • Set your thermostat to the highest comfortable setting.
  • Replace your HVAC filters at least once every month.

For more tips, visit journalnow.com.… Continue Reading

How to Stay Cool and Pay Less for Electricity

Posted 9 years ago

Many people choose to stay indoors in the summer especially during the hottest part of the day.  While this sounds like a good idea, it can actually cause your electricity bill to increase. Don’t fret because below are some tips on how to stay cool while saving on your utility bill.

  • Look for an electricity provider with the cheapest rate.
  • Take advantage of utility programs such as energy saving credits and cooling cycle rewards.
  • Make sure to close all your doors and windows when using your air conditioner.

For more tips, click here.… Continue Reading

How to Stay Cool Without Increasing Your Electricity Bill

Posted 9 years ago

When it comes to cooling your home during the hot summer days, keeping your shades and windows shut isn’t really enough to keep your cool. Good thing there are a few things you can do to stay cool and comfortable without causing your utility bill to skyrocket. Here are some tips.

  • Keep all your windows closed and draperies drawn during the hottest part of the day.
  • Invest in wall unit air conditioners are they are far less expensive.
  • Make sure to seal all gaps around your home to help keep the temperature low.

For more tips, click here.… Continue Reading

Ways to Keep Your Home Cool While Reducing the Energy Costs

Posted 9 years ago

Warmer months are finally here and while everybody wants to stay comfortable all throughout the summer season, others just choose not to use their units to avoid increases on their utility bills. To help you stay cool while keeping your air conditioning costs in check, here are some tips that you can use.

  • Schedule a regular maintenance that will include cleaning the filters and coils.
  • Increase the thermostat to a few degrees.
  • Go for conventional whole-home air conditioning units.

For more AC tips, check this link.… Continue Reading

Keep Your Home Cool While Saving on Energy

Posted 9 years ago

The heat of the summer is already on its way and with it comes the skyrocketing energy bills. But don’t fret because there are ways for you to cut on your cooling costs while still being able to keep a cool and comfortable home. Here are some tips.

  • Have your home inspected by a home energy auditor.
  • Inspect your home and make sure to seal all leaks around doors and windows as well as in ductwork.
  • Don’t hesitate to plan for big improvements as this will not only add value but also help you save on your cooling costs.
  • Use a programmable thermostat to run your AC unit.

For more tips, click here.… Continue Reading

How to Keep Your House Cool and Your Electricity Bill Low

Posted 9 years ago

Summer is just around the corner and before you know it your electricity bill have already skyrocketed. To make sure that you and your family stay cool without having to spend thousands of dollars on your bill, here are some helpful tips.

  • Keep all curtains and blinds closed to help block the sun’s heat.
  • Don’t turn off your air conditioner when you leave the house.
  • Set the thermostat to 82 degrees when no one is at home.
  • Schedule a routine maintenance for your air conditioning unit.

To learn more, click here.… Continue Reading

Tips on How to Stay Cool Without Breaking the Bank

Posted 9 years ago

Now that the cooling season is just around the corner, it is a perfect time to ensure that your home will be as comfortable as it should without wasting energy and breaking the bank. Well, here are some tips that will help you keep your cool during the warmer months.

  • Seal the windows, doors and other holes in your home so not to let the cool air out.
  • Choose an AC unit that has the energy star label.
  • Use a ceiling fan to help keep the room 10 degrees cooler.

For more tips, visit nrdc.org.… Continue Reading

Ways to Save Energy During Winter

Posted 9 years ago

Perhaps, one can never prepare their electric, heating and plumbing systems for the harsh snowfall. But then if you want to ensure that your systems are still working after the massive snowstorm, here are some tips that you can use.

  • –          Make sure to clear away the snow from the heating pumps before calling a technician.
  • –          Make sure warm air is getting to the plumbing system to keep the pipes from freezing.
  • –          Replace the air filter regularly.

For more tips, click here.… Continue Reading

Ways to Save Money on Air Conditioning

Posted 9 years ago

When it comes to staying cool at home, you don’t necessarily have to spend a fortune just so you could reduce the heat. Below are some tips on how to stay cool without breaking the bank.

  • –          Insulate your ceiling, walls, roof space and under the floor.
  • –          Provide natural cross-flow ventilation wherever possible.
  • –          Keep the sun out by installing external awnings.
  • –          Use heavy curtains to help reduce the heat.
  • –          Plant trees to help block the sun.
  • –          Install tinted windows.
  • –          Open your blinds and draperies at night to let the cool air in.

For more tips, click here.… Continue Reading

Ways to Beat the Heat While Lowering Your AC Bill

Posted 9 years ago

Air conditioner

Oftentimes, the summer heat can be unbearable. If you are trying to beat the midday heat during the hottest season of the year, below are some tips from the experts.

  • –          Stay hydrated all throughout the day.
  • –          Keep your air conditioning unit properly maintained.
  • –          Close all drapes and blinds during the day to avoid the sunlight from coming into your home.
  • –          Inspect your doors and windows and seal the gaps to keep the cool air inside.

For more tips, click here.… Continue Reading