Homeowners can take steps to prepare their heater for winter. This will ensure that there are no major maintenance issues that need to be dealt with during the cold months or that the entire system doesn’t break down. Here are a few things you can do to prepare your heater now so that it works through the winter months without a hitch.
It is important to replace the HVAC filter every season. This is something that is especially important to do when winter starts since it is common for filters to collect dander, allergens, dirt, and dust during the fall months. A dirty filter means that it cannot clean that air as it should. It is easy to purchase filters at a local hardware store and replace them yourself.
You can schedule a heating maintenance appointment or a new heating system installation in Buda, TX, in order to have your HVAC system looked over by a professional. The professional will check major components of the system and let you know if there are any problems that need to be addressed. Some have found that new heating system installation in Buda, TX, before the winter saves them a lot of frustration. It also saves them money because the system does not need to work as hard since it is new and efficient.
It is also important to prepare the vents and registers in your home. Cleaning these off means that any dirt that has built will not be blown out when you turn the heater on. Also, make sure the vents are open all the way.
Before turning the heater on, make sure that there is nothing near the heater. If you have stored boxes, containers, or furniture near the heater, this can increase the risk of fire.
Contact us today at Chuck’s Air Conditioning for all your heating and air-conditioning needs by visiting our website.
Posted in Heater for Winter