Monthly Archives: April, 2015
Is Your Home Summer-Ready?
- Vacuum dust and pet hair for indoor vents
- Be on the look out for unusual noise from the unit.
- Use a garden hose to clean the outdoor unit
- Change the air filter once every month
What Makes an Energy-efficient HVAC?
- Position outdoor units on a well ventilated and shady area
- Set the thermostat at 24 – 25°C during summer, and at 17 – 19°C during winter
- Make sure the outdoor unit is clean, and the remote with fresh batteries.
- Change the air filter every month and use a model appropriate for the system
Save Money on Your Home’s AC This Summer
This summer, every small measure counts in keeping your home comfortable cool and your bills significantly affordable. Don’t just count on your home’s air conditioning system to do all the work for you — consider the following maintenance and efficiency pointers:
- Schedule annual maintenance
- Use ceiling fans to improve air circulation
- Have your ductwork checked
- Shade indoor areas during the day
To learn more, check out Tips to Save Money with This Summer’s Air Conditioning at DB Heating & Cooling Inc.… Continue Reading
3 Air Conditioner Care Tips
Every summer, your home’s air conditioning system works extra hard to keep the house cool and comfortable. Without proper care and maintenance, its efficiency and durability may greatly deteriorate. To prevent this, here are 3 tips:
- Set the thermostat at around 68°F
- Change the air filter once a month throughout the season
- Call for professional assistance as soon as signs of malfunction surface
To know more, check out Raleigh Heating & Air’s Some Tips for Better Air Conditioning Tips for the Summer.… Continue Reading
Heating and Air Conditioning System Care Tips
- Know the location of your furnace filter
- Find a furnace filter that meets your needs
- Don’t close too make heater vents
- Test heating and cooling systems before they’re needed
- Troubleshoot your air conditioner before calling a professional
Your Guide to a Cool and Energy-efficient Summer
- Turn on the exhaust fan when cooking or showering
- Shut blinds and drapes during the hottest times of the day
- Don’t use appliances that heat the home
- Install a programmable thermostat
- Use fans
- Seal ductwork
- Insulate and air seal
- Buy Energy Star appliances
How to Keep Your Home’s AC Efficient
Every summer, the air conditioning system in every home works hard to keep the indoor temperature and air quality comfortable and safe. However, without proper and regular maintenance, living up to its role in the house may simply cost more.
Homeowners can maximize the efficiency of their air conditioning systems by doing the following:
- change the air filter
- check the vents
- landscaping
To learn more, check out Riley Heating & Air Conditioning’s Air Conditioning 101 – Quick Tips for Better Performance… Continue Reading
How to Troubleshoot Air Conditioning System Issues
- Thermostat — make sure it is on “cool mode,” or check the heat anticipator
- Poor cooling — check the coils, filter and registers, and air conditioner and duct sizing
3 Tips to an Efficient Air Conditioning System
- Scrub dirt and debris off the unit’s evaporator coil frequently
- Chop down any overgrowth of vegetation around the condenser
- Contact a specialists in air conditioning repair
DIY Tips to Keep Homes Cool This Summer
- Invest in a programmable thermostat
- Keep the filter clean
- Use fans sparingly and do your laundry during the cooler parts of the day