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Monthly Archives: July, 2014

Important Steps in HVAC Maintenance

NAVFAC Hawaii HVAC Specialists - Public Works Week

When temperatures rise and drop, we rely on our heating and cooling systems to keep us comfortable when we’re indoors. However, we also have to make sure that our units are in great condition so they can do their jobs well. For this to happen we need proper inspection and maintenance by trusty HVAC professionals.

So, what exactly will they do? In case you’re wondering, an expert will:
  • Check the filter status.
  • Check refrigerant charge.
  • Check electrical connections.
  • Clean coils.
Remember, an inefficient HVAC will have to work so much harder to cool or warm a room. So in case you’re planning on cutting back on much needed maintenance, remember that could only mean higher energy bills.
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Cooling Myths

As temperature starts to rise, people are finding ways on how to stay cool while keeping their electricity bill low. But before you turn on your air conditioning unit for a cooler home, here are some air cooling myths that you should know.

1.       Fans can keep your home cool.

2.       Upgrading to a bigger air conditioner will keep your room cooler.

3.       An AC is just a home appliance that can cool the air.

4.       A lower temperature can result to faster cooling.

5.       Leaving your air conditioner working the whole day is better than to raise and lower the temperature.

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Tips on How to Stay Cool Without Air Conditioning

According to surveys, nearly 50% of the electricity used during the summer season is for air conditioning. While many homeowners rely on their air conditioners to stay cool during the warmer weather season, there are certainly other ways on how to stay refreshed and bask in some frosty comfort.

–          Draw the curtains and blinds to reduce the amount of heat that enters the home.

–          Stay cool by running your hands and feet under cold water.

–          Fans should operate in a counter-clockwise position.

–          Plant shade trees to reduce the heat.

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Tips on How to Cut Cooling Costs and Improve Your AC System

Install and adjust the programmable thermostat.

Staying cool especially during the summer season can be very expensive. Here are some ways on how you can save money and still keep cool throughout the warmer months.

–          Replace your old unit with a more efficient air conditioning system.

–          Install a programmable thermostat.

–          Change or clean your AC/furnace filter regularly.

–          Fix leaks in your AC ducting using special foil tape.

–          Block out the sun with tinted or low-E window films.

–          Shade both the house and windows with foliage.

For more tips, click here.… Continue Reading

AC Repair Tips Before Calling for Service

Electricians runs a circuit breaker test.

Summer is perhaps the time of the year when your air conditioning unit is likely to go on the fritz. While you can always call for professional help each time your unit malfunctions, there are actually some AC problems that are very easy to fix. Here are some of the things you can do on your unit before calling the AC repair shop.

–          Ensure that the temperature is set low enough to bring the unit on.

–          Change the fan switch from “auto” to “on.”

–          Check the circuit breaker if there is no power going to the unit.

–          Ensure that your filter is clean once your AC starts running and blowing warm air.

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How to Lower Your Air Conditioning Bills

Deciding How to Pay the Bills

High temperatures are almost tantamount to higher utility bills. But then according to experts, this doesn’t have to be the case. Here are some tips on how to keep your AC unit working efficiently without increasing your bill.

–          Change your AC’s filter at least four times a year.

–          To stay cooler especially during summer season, turn on your ceiling fans.

–          Plant trees and shrubs in order to keep your outdoor air conditioning unit cooler.

–          Ensure that your AC unit is well-maintained all year round.

For more tips, click here.

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Tips on How to Stay Cool during the Summer Season

Aircondition is one of the best solution when summer comes.

During the warmer months, an air conditioning unit is considered to be very essential. As a matter of fact, according to experts, putting your AC unit in a certain area can make a huge difference.

If possible, place your air conditioning system in the north side because this area doesn’t get much sun all day long. Also, having your AC in the shade can help cool off your home faster. It is actually in the shade that makes it easier for the unit to get rid of the heat that’s coming out from the inside.

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Securing Your AC’s Efficiency This Summer

summerThere is nothing worse than an extremely hot summer with no properly-working AC to rely on. That is why, it is very important to take good care of your unit and observe all the necessary measures to make sure that it works at its best:
  • Check if the air filter is still clean — if not, have it replaced or cleaned.
  • Inspect your home for areas where the cool air may escape and insulate these places.
  • Have a regular visit from your most trusted licensed technician to ensure that your unit is at a good working condition at all time.
To get more tips, click here.
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Summer AC Maintenance Tips

Air ConditionerWhen the hot summer days strike, the last thing that every homeowner would want is for their AC units to breakdown. It is therefore very important to keep your air conditioner well maintained:
  • Keep your outdoor condenser unit clean and well-protected from dirt and debris especially during bad weather.
  • Situate the unit in a shaded area away from direct sunlight to save energy.
  • Don’t allow the indoor temperature to rise at an unmanageable level; it will take more effort from your AC to cool the room.
For more tips on keeping your AC in perfect condition, click here.
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