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More Than Half of America Link Extreme Weather to Climate Change

Posted 12 years ago

Extreme Weather to Climate ChangeAfter billions worth of damages and immeasurable effects on the lives of East Coast residents as the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, Americans are starting to connect the dots and see a relation between global warming and the extreme weather conditions experienced by the U.S. and the rest of the world.
“People are beginning to recognize a pattern of extreme weather across the country and are themselves saying ‘Aha, I wonder if climate change has something to do with that,'” Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, which released the report today, told NBC News.
About half of American citizens strongly believe there is a link between climate change and extreme weather conditions. 50 percent blame climate change to the record heat levels of last year and 49 percent to the continuing drought in the Midwest and Great Plains. Moreover, a large percentage also connect these extreme changes to Superstorms Sandy and Nemo.
For more on this story, click here.
Posted in extreme weather

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